Love the day when we’ll never stop
It’s no wonder I keep coming back for more. And so begins the season of too much radio. Already way behind and wanting to catch up with you, I’ll do all I can to get as much as I can… Read more ›
It’s no wonder I keep coming back for more. And so begins the season of too much radio. Already way behind and wanting to catch up with you, I’ll do all I can to get as much as I can… Read more ›
Sometimes I just gotta relax. I get so worked up thinking about being with you every time it’s about to happen that I really need to get horizontal. I need every little kink worked out, every knot kneaded. I need… Read more ›
…that Belinda was in rare form…that is, she rarely disappears from doing a Bubbles in the Think Tank, but this night, that was the case. However, the show must go on, and Chuck U. took up the challenge to fill… Read more ›
We talk about it every week. About how much we like each other. And what we plan to do about it. And, every week, it feels momentous. I do worry and fret about whether or not I can give you… Read more ›