

You ain’t seen such shaking hips

It’s not that you haven’t been looking. Sometimes they’re right there in front of you.  Sometimes they’re hiding under the covers. But they’re never far away.  Usually, they’re moving around in the studio while you’re busy facebooking through the show. Read more ›

Turn out the light

Lately as I’m starting Bubbles in the Think Tank as Mike from Classic Rock Mine is leaving the studio, I ask him to turn out the lights as he goes.   No, not all the way.  I still like to see what’s right Read more ›

The girls don’t wear no tights in Jersey

Everything that comes to my head to say for this post seems like too much, and you know that’s saying something. But in the spirit of my transparency of process, I will share with you, the listener, although not in my Read more ›

Suddenly something fine will shine from me

Even at my worst, I know that shine is there in me somewhere. You see it when I start to beam at you at the beginning of each episode.  But with blazing speed, we’re so deep in that the dazzle Read more ›

I’m gonna burn your bongos tonight

Oh, the rhythm. I know you hear it.  You listen so closely. Sometimes I notice that you even turn off all other distractions so you can hear each beat as it comes. I love to hear it, too.  And I Read more ›

I got a funny feeling that I dig your style

Oh, I dig it, baby.  You don’t even know how much. You make me laugh and smile and just feel so darn good. No wonder I want to give it all back to you whenever I can.  I want to Read more ›

Do your duty, never fail

Belated but not belittled, behold the links to our 2010 Mentionables.  Some albums, some mp3s, and some other projects. Placing an order?  Tell them you heard about it on Bubbles in the Think Tank! Euclid Sessions 45s and EP – Read more ›

Ask you for love and you give me an hour

Every show I ask you for love.  And you’re always right there to give it to me. I know you always want to stay for the full two or more hours and you would if you could.  I will always Read more ›

There’s a man inside you with his fingers at the wheel

Sometimes it feels like someone else is in control of the show. That’s odd since I feel like I have more control over Bubbles in the Think Tank than over any other part of my life.  I take pieces of Read more ›

So why not treasure your highest pleasure

I treasure every minute of Bubbles in the Think Tank.  Oh, there may have been some moments over these 25 years I’d like to forget, but not forgetting them is half the fun. Before every show starts, it’s like it’s Read more ›

I wish that I could blame it all on you

Just how many times can I reference “You, the listener” anyway? You know I like to invoke you whenever I can. To utter your “name” arouses me to the fact you’re really there with me. To vocalize your presence reminds Read more ›

I heard you on Satan’s wireless

Last night took us down one of our favorite paths at Bubbles in the Think Tank East.  The one that examines the love/hate relationship we have with media and its regulation. We love it when it keeps us connected, lets Read more ›

I hear the crash of music and a thousand guitars

Alright, maybe not a thousand guitars. But a couple of times I had the monitor volume loud enough in the studio to think that it was. It was a wild ride through our 2009 top 10 cds.  It was also Read more ›

Top 10 albums so stop asking! No, really, ask for more if you want…

Tune in for tonight’s Bubbles in the Think Tank for an earful of these! Chandler Travis – After She Left Careful, I may swoon. Terry Adams Rock & Roll Quartet – Crazy 8s The man understands the value of new Read more ›

If you want me I’ll be swinging with the monkeys

I feel like I’ve been in heavy rotation of late.  Perhaps it is having been in high demand, or just the spinning of the head.  I’d have to slow down to find out.  That’s hard to do when you’re being Read more ›

When we search our own hearts and not others

Each time I undertake another episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank, I’m searching for something. Sometimes I find it by the end of the episode, other times the next day.  Occasionally it takes years.  Good thing I’m not in Read more ›

The rave of the brave

Was it the fireworks, the sight of the moon for the first time in weeks, or just the delirium of a four hour show?  Whatever it was, I’ll take a bucket of love like this anytime… it was olympian silliness Read more ›

How a radio show made me modulate myself

As long as I didn’t over-modulate myself. That would be the real shame. Bubbles in the Think Tank is many things to many people.  Sometimes many things to just one person.  On occasion it seems like it’s nothing to anyone Read more ›