

It’s never dark when she’s around

Well, it may be dark, but I try to lighten up everything around us. I like it darker than light.  But lighter than dark. I want to be able to see without being distracted. I want to never have to Read more ›

You get me in a spin

I really don’t know how else to describe it. I get to the show with you and I get a little turned around, a little light headed… I feel like I’m going to fall right over. At least I know Read more ›

Now we’re all alone with the lights on down low

I’ve taken to turning the lights down in the studio like I used to. Way way back in the moist cavernous bosom of the majestic Alms Hotel, I would even pack in my own lights so I wouldn’t have to Read more ›

The girls don’t wear no tights in Jersey

Everything that comes to my head to say for this post seems like too much, and you know that’s saying something. But in the spirit of my transparency of process, I will share with you, the listener, although not in my Read more ›