

You don’t have to be a cereal eater to be a bumblebee

Gosh, I didn’t even think to play “Eric the Half a Bee.” Whenever I do a theme, a tribute set, or, these days, a RadiObituary, I spend the next weeks thinking of what I coulda/woulda/shoulda played.  It’s a great way Read more ›

See how easily you can love your mother and your Fairy, too

For years and years, I have leaned on something known to the in-crowd as the “Q List” for help when I’m looking to broaden my thinking and playlists as I work on the myriad theme shows we’ve done at Bubbles Read more ›

Do You Recognize the 10 Early Warning Signs of a Clang!over?

1.  Catching yourself humming “Florida” on the train loud enough that other passengers notice. 2.  Ending the answers to all questions with “Sir!” 3.  Sending Scopitone clips to your parents. 4.  Suggesting to Chandler Travis that he may be in Read more ›

Newspapers used to ask Who along with some other Ws

Looking back at the playlist from last night’s episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST, I sense an uneasy lament.  Newspapers closing, friends aging, constant impatience and consternation about what awaits.  And I’m not even thinking about the numerous Read more ›

The scoffed bombastry of lame explanations

A respect for sea life. A dose of death. And a confusing ode to a svelte cockroach. Only at Bubbles in the Think Tank. This week’s deceased: Snooks Eaglin, Kelly Groucutt, Louie Bellson, and Chuck Bennett. Play in new Read more ›


Bubbles in the Think Tank oft relies on themes. Other times, random thoughts manifest themselves to be clearly related. Not always apparent to even my naked eye, it can be surprising what is eventually seen. As the Bonzo Dog Doo Read more ›