

She kissed me on the cheek and I moaned

Now is the time in our radio hostess – listener relationship when it seems like nothing could ever be better than it is right now. When I play music that puts you in a groove, it’s as though we’ve found Read more ›

Here within your reach, if you’re big enough to take it

Many weeks, I feel like I have to really reach for the show.  Other weeks, the show reaches right out and grabs me. Sometimes it just takes me by the hand and guides me where I need to go, but Read more ›

Geeks like the hands on approach too…

On occasion there is a ‘geek’ night at the Muffin abode. Good food, better friends and so much technical conversation you can almost hear Einstein rolling in his grave. When eyes start glazing (usually around nerd minute 25) all you’ll Read more ›

Them young girls they do get wearied

Setting out to write these posts to go along with show archives sometimes has me feeling like you already know everything I’ve got to say.  If that’s the case, then why don’t you fill me in? Yet another in the Read more ›

How a radio show made me modulate myself

As long as I didn’t over-modulate myself. That would be the real shame. Bubbles in the Think Tank is many things to many people.  Sometimes many things to just one person.  On occasion it seems like it’s nothing to anyone Read more ›

Here is a method that is helping the trout-mouthed to feel like kids again

Sadly, a headline like that isn’t even referencing Sonic Trout.  A wasted shame really. Media masters galore pepper this week’s installment of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST.  From the instrumental tribute to The Avengers to the RadiObituary remembrances of Read more ›