

My bedroom wall’s been scaled of late

My bedroom walls have always been scaled…it’s merely a matter of who’s doing the scaling. Sometimes it’s me trying to get to the room I’d rather be in. Occasionally it’s someone else…probably just trying to save me the time and Read more ›

A girl without an umbrella relaxes in the rain

I know how to relax. Sometimes I might forget to do it, but nothing gets me more ready than a night in the rain.  A little mist through a window landing right on me, the sounds of the drops hitting. Read more ›

These tangled hours we just can’t unwind

I don’t even know how we got here. But I am oh so happy we did. No matter what uncomfortable spot we find ourselves in, somehow we manage to find a way to be more comfortable than we’ve ever been Read more ›

A little hug becomes huge instantly

I like it when I get my first grab of you. You know the one.  That first moment when we get together and it’s like I can’t even wait to give you what you came there for. You aren’t even Read more ›

You got my head goin’ round and my feet off the ground

Sometimes I am just so ready for something that I get a little light headed when it finally happens. I know it’s going to happen.  I do everything I can to prepare, to know how to start and how I Read more ›