

We’ll meet in the darkness in our secret place

It was a dark stormy night.  Just the way I like them. The rain on the windows, the thunder in the distance, and you right there with me. I really don’t know what could make it any better. Oh yeah…more Read more ›

Ducting around during pledge month

It’s been pledge time at BitTT Original. Twice a year we ask for your continuing support of public radio, WAIF and our own brand of silliness. For different pledge levels the station offers different incentives. We offer our own incentives Read more ›

I took a little drink and I’m feelin’ right

Sometimes you just know when it’s right. Even when you think it should be all wrong. Nothing about the ingredients seem on the surface to be the correct choice.  Or a good match.  Or a sensible selection. Yet, somehow, the Read more ›