Makes a bee think of honey
The show makes me think of a lot of things. I think it does that for all of us. But I always seem to come back to the same thoughts even after all this time. Yet the show is never… Read more ›
The show makes me think of a lot of things. I think it does that for all of us. But I always seem to come back to the same thoughts even after all this time. Yet the show is never… Read more ›
Some nights, when we first get together, I just ain’t feelin’ right. But within seconds, I manage to adjust my attitude…and it seems like yours, too. It’s so easy when it happens even when I’m sure there can’t be any… Read more ›
Summer is in full swing. Heatwaves and bikini’s go hand in hand. So grab your headphones, head to the pool and relax with some bubbles… Play in new window | Download
Long post for a long weekend. You know you have time between family, fireworks and cook-outs for a little silliness. Play in new window | Download
I like spending time alone with you at Bubbles in the Think Tank. Yes, I know we’re not really alone, but it feels like it. It gives me a chance to be right inside of you (I know you’re still… Read more ›
When JF goes outta town, you can be assured that Muffin will play cover songs. Good cover songs, bad cover songs, german cover songs, weird cover songs. Muffin will also bribe people to come push buttons. This time it was… Read more ›
Ohio State Fair highlights. – Deep fried cheese, ravioli and mac’n’cheese – Crazy Mouse roller coaster ride – Elephant ear – Bucket o’Fries – Pirates diving into pools One thing to note: Muddy pigs aren’t as good as they sound.… Read more ›
Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Play in new window | Download
Bubbles ustream and co-host were hijacked for one night by Radio Porkopolis and the Minor Leagues. WAIF 88.3 objected to the co-host-nabbing by switching between mono and stereo for much of the show. Both stream and co-host were returned to… Read more ›
On occasion there is a ‘geek’ night at the Muffin abode. Good food, better friends and so much technical conversation you can almost hear Einstein rolling in his grave. When eyes start glazing (usually around nerd minute 25) all you’ll… Read more ›
The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, all on a summers day. The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts and took them clean away. The Kings of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore.… Read more ›
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 16939937510582097494459230781640628620899 86280348253421170679821480865132823066470 93844609550582231725359408128481117450284 10270193852110555964462294895493038196442 88109756659334461284756482337867831652712 01909145648566923460348610454326648213… That’s a lot of pi for one radio show. Leftovers served below. Play in new window | Download
Getting ready for last night’s show had me looking to the past. I must’ve listened to a portion of 15 cassettes of Unsanitary Outhouse from the 1986-89 era. Strangely, most of them did not have Bill Brinkmoeller on them. Why… Read more ›
I’ve been thinking a lot about process lately. Those who know me know that I frequently do, but that’s usually more about organizational process at work. These days, it’s all about mine. Stunned to think that Belinda is thinking only… Read more ›
Was it a mistake? Or was it merely irrational exuberance? The process of crafting (and yes, it is a fine craft) the weekly RadiObituary segment is a malapert endeavor. Seeking those recently deceased deemed worthy of recognition punctuated with scurrile… Read more ›
Well, mostly. But I (English Muffin) like the meat and potatoes and January Fairy does tend to go for the vegetables. Both of us count jelly beans as a necessity. So it’s a sweet little play list for this weeks… Read more ›
Not that I condone that sort of expectation. Listen to the food show here. Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Due to the overwhelming vote count that came in too late for last week’s show, we’ll be taking on a food theme on this week’s Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST. Why not take the time right now to leave… Read more ›
Oh, who remembers if I had a plan when I did this show? I don’t even know what is contained herein… I guess I could just listen to it and see what I played, but that just seems like so… Read more ›