

And you know when I’m down to just my socks what time it is

I know…we go through this every week. I talk about how I lay myself bare for you at the show. I wax on about how good you are to me for being there. But you know I wouldn’t keep telling Read more ›

Ducting around during pledge month

It’s been pledge time at BitTT Original. Twice a year we ask for your continuing support of public radio, WAIF and our own brand of silliness. For different pledge levels the station offers different incentives. We offer our own incentives Read more ›

Oh, wee baby I’m so happy you took a liking to me

We talk about it every week.  About how much we like each other.  And what we plan to do about it. And, every week, it feels momentous.  I do worry and fret about whether or not I can give you Read more ›