

I took a little drink and I’m feelin’ right

Sometimes you just know when it’s right. Even when you think it should be all wrong. Nothing about the ingredients seem on the surface to be the correct choice.  Or a good match.  Or a sensible selection. Yet, somehow, the Read more ›

I see you standing all alone by the stereo

When you see me at the stereo, you know I’m likely there thinking about you. That’s when I’m thinking through the show, searching for the perfect piece that you just have to hear. The piece that will tell you everything Read more ›

Good and lost in a fool’s paradise

Fools flock to Bubbles in the Think Tank. And by flock I mean that they show up to program a radio show for you every Saturday night. I know, that sounds like a harsh self-assessment.  So I decided that I Read more ›

And that was exactly like my dream

Doing the show is sometimes a lot like walking through a dream.  There’s a concurrent feeling of being totally out of control and a sense of great power.  I don’t know what’s going to pop up next, but I’m sure Read more ›

But this is just the start

You know I love to get started with you whenever I can. So what are we starting this time? I think we should start doing more radio. After 4 shows in 4 days among the ladies of the Think Tank, Read more ›

I believe her rubbin’s awful fine

With Belinda doing two shows in one weekend, you know some content is going to rub up against itself. In this case, your standard episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST was easily maneuvered by the remainder of our Read more ›

With lolliepops and pink panties

They really do go together, don’t they? This was what I like to call a show. Not every show is a show, but this, indeed, was. It was inspired.  It took teamwork.  It was referential. Birthdays were celebrated.  Shout outs Read more ›

Oh doctor, I’m in trouble

Oh, I could have been in trouble last night.  But I saved myself, and, hopefully, you in the process. You won’t want to miss this archive of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST.  Needing a soothing salve for my voiceless Read more ›

Believe it, this chick’s no cinch

I’ve been holding on to this image for over 20 year years, just waiting for the right time to put the little clipping into some photocopied flyer that I might eventually staplegun around a neighborhood.  Given the less than likely Read more ›


Yes, I am well aware that you are done with this election past.  22 months was enough for any of us.  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy a little non campaign-specific election silliness. Belinda comes out of Read more ›