

Everyone has places that they prefer to be

If I can’t be where I want to be, I’m going to think about being there.  A lot. It’s what I do all week long while I’m waiting to be with you the next time.  I plan.  I scheme.  I Read more ›

My mind it exploded with beauty

Yeah…there are a few things that make me explode.  You’ve seen it happen any number of times. A good tune can touch off my tempest like you’ve never seen. A caress of comedy and I simply come apart in convulsions. Read more ›

Programmed to a multiple response ratio, it’s a wow, it’s a gas…

Some nights you gotta quit while you’re ahead. I could have gone on, but chose instead to pack it up and go home a mere 20 minutes or so past our scheduled end time.  Oh, there was momentum that I Read more ›