

I’m gonna make that dream come real

Sometimes you gotta go somewhere to make dreams come true. I know… that often means that I end up leaving you for a bit, but I try to leave something nice behind for you when I do. So here’s a Read more ›

Turn it up and drink it down

I know you all do it when you’re listening to me. You pop.  You pour.  You stir. I have a feeling you even shake it on occasion. You bring it right up to your lips and you take it in. Read more ›

You get me in a spin

I really don’t know how else to describe it. I get to the show with you and I get a little turned around, a little light headed… I feel like I’m going to fall right over. At least I know Read more ›

You could buy me a burrito

You bought me a junior once.  We were stunned that they’d only let me have 4 ingredients. I’m way too greedy and needy for that.  So you made them just keep piling on and on and on. Then I ate Read more ›

Cool enough to cool you down like a summer vacation

Sure, it might be cold out now, but I still remember when it was hot.  And yet, I still find myself in need of a cooldown on a few occasions even in this season. Not that it matters too much…I Read more ›

Just imagine a few days alone

I love spending time alone together whenever we can.  Lucky for us, it comes right together each weekend. Yet I still want more.  More time.  More of your attention.  More of all of those little things you give me that Read more ›

So I boppity bop the whole night long to the knocked out music of a jukebox song

Someone might imagine me boppity bopping in the studio during the show with a title like this. It is true that, these days, I do tend to do the show standing up. Standing gives me a chance to move my Read more ›