

Just imagine a few days alone

I love spending time alone together whenever we can.  Lucky for us, it comes right together each weekend. Yet I still want more.  More time.  More of your attention.  More of all of those little things you give me that Read more ›

That tiny little top that just wants to pop

I get so excited about the show.  And you being with me there. You give me ideas.  Many of which I am lucky enough to act upon.  Others, well, I just have to imagine what I’d do about them. But Read more ›

There’s a man inside you with his fingers at the wheel

Sometimes it feels like someone else is in control of the show. That’s odd since I feel like I have more control over Bubbles in the Think Tank than over any other part of my life.  I take pieces of Read more ›

It’s called the cult of inspiration and it is rewarding

Back in the oft-heard chair of the WMFO studios (hey, it’s freeform…the chair can do what it wants), I felt right at home as I settled in for a night of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST style silliness. But Read more ›

Never rush a pug

What?  You think a blog headline like that is irrelevant to a Bubbles in the Think Tank post?  Ok…so I’ve been watching the dog shows again, and I don’t believe that you can’t dispute the accidental precision of the random Read more ›