

One deep fried road trip, hold the chocolate please.

Ohio State Fair highlights. – Deep fried cheese, ravioli and mac’n’cheese – Crazy Mouse roller coaster ride – Elephant ear – Bucket o’Fries – Pirates diving into pools One thing to note: Muddy pigs aren’t as good as they sound. Read more ›

I can’t spell that funny noise but I can pronouce pizza.

The pizza posse made a surprise visit last night, bringing excellent noms. One veggie, one animal and never the twain shall meet. January Fairy invokes the hot meat injection while English Muffin likes it au natural… Or is it the Read more ›


Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Lastdayofschool…Lastdayofschool… Play in new window | Download

3/4 perfect is better than a wonky whole.

Sometimes there are technical difficulties. When I (the English one) was adopted to the posse, BitTT was in Studio B(ubbles). It was comfy cozy. I had my little corner outta the way. Mic, headphones and a trivia machine. Then the Read more ›

Geeks like the hands on approach too…

On occasion there is a ‘geek’ night at the Muffin abode. Good food, better friends and so much technical conversation you can almost hear Einstein rolling in his grave. When eyes start glazing (usually around nerd minute 25) all you’ll Read more ›

Watch out for the booby trap.

It was all in the name of science. And science would never lead us astray now, would it? I mean, gamma rays, spiderbites and plant toxins aside, experimentation can be good. And so Boobquake in the Think Tank occured. The Read more ›

No Ides only Pi

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 16939937510582097494459230781640628620899 86280348253421170679821480865132823066470 93844609550582231725359408128481117450284 10270193852110555964462294895493038196442 88109756659334461284756482337867831652712 01909145648566923460348610454326648213… That’s a lot of pi for one radio show. Leftovers served below. Play in new window | Download