

Here’s a quick way to know everything you need to know about Belinda

This show is so pre-9/11. Really.  The date of the show is August 27, 2001.  All in all, a pretty good show.  The first half (joined in progress) is a rollicking leftover and request show.  Belinda has just made her Read more ›

Here is a method that is helping the trout-mouthed to feel like kids again

Sadly, a headline like that isn’t even referencing Sonic Trout.  A wasted shame really. Media masters galore pepper this week’s installment of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST.  From the instrumental tribute to The Avengers to the RadiObituary remembrances of Read more ›

Newspapers used to ask Who along with some other Ws

Looking back at the playlist from last night’s episode of Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST, I sense an uneasy lament.  Newspapers closing, friends aging, constant impatience and consternation about what awaits.  And I’m not even thinking about the numerous Read more ›